
Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM ET

This webinar is to inform the workforce system of updates to the ETA-9130 Financial Reports and Instructions. We will discuss the new and revised data elements contained in each of the (8) forms for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) as well as highlight our plan for implementation.


During the session, we will answer questions regarding any of the changes contained on the form or in the instructions. With the passage of (WIOA), there are numerous new statutory requirements that impact financial reporting, including but not limited to new and/or revised limitations and baselines that require the addition of new and modification of existing reporting line items. Additionally with the implementation of the Uniform Guidance: Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR 200, other reporting line items have been added and removed in an effort to streamline Federal financial reporting and make the 9130 more closely resemble the SF-425 which is the standard financial reporting form for other Federal grant recipients.  Another webinar discussing the new and revised data elements to the six (6) remaining ETA-9130 Financial Reports will be scheduled shortly. All fourteen (14) new ETA-9130 Financial Reports and instructions are available for viewing and download at


Debbie Galloway, Fiscal Policy Manager, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration