
Tuesday, October 30, 2018 2:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM ET

This webinar will present examples of innovative supportive services that America's Promise grantees are providing to their participants in order to keep them engaged in the program.


The webinar will offer an opportunity to discuss promising practices in delivering supportive services, how leveraging resources can meet the needs of participants, and how to sustain those services.  Two America’s Promise grantees will discuss the supportive services they are implementing and how these services are helping participants stay in training and successfully complete programs.  These presenters will help facilitate the dialogue by asking pre-determined questions to the webinar participants.
The webinar will focus on the following topics related to supportive services:
  • Types of services offered (transportation, childcare, food pantries, etc.);
  • Importance of leveraging existing resources and partnerships;
  • Promising practices from the field and the impact on the project; and
  • Incorporating sustainability strategies.


Gregory Scheib, Workforce Analyst, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration


Amanda Kosty, America's Promise Technical Assistant Coach, American Association of Community Colleges

Elizabeth Annis, Lead Navigator, New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Board

Kristina Kurtz, Director, Oakland County Michigan Works