
Tuesday, July 23, 2019 1:00 PM ~ 2:30 PM ET

Ever wonder what to do with your state's performance data? How to display it? How to fully interpret and analyze it? How to present it to your stakeholders so that they will understand it? Ever wonder what story it tells about your state's workforce, adult education, and vocational rehabilitation programs?


If so, join staff from the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), and several state representatives, to learn how to develop a plan for maximizing your state's Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and non-WIOA performance data.

ETA, OCTAE, and RSA collaborated to establish the State Cohort on Maximizing WIOA and non-WIOA Performance Data, which provided participating state agencies (from Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Virginia) with focused time and space to share, identify, and explore strategies for using performance data to demonstrate programmatic achievements, challenges, and stakeholder return-on-investment.

Cohort participants developed solutions to issues affecting the alignment of program definitions, the development and utilization of state-specific performance indicators, state and local level understanding of the value of WIOA performance data, and system-wide efforts to measure state/local performance in real time.  State workforce, adult education, and vocational rehabilitation staff attending this event will learn from cohort states about:

  1. Different methods for using state performance data to effectively communicate a state’s story.
  2. The Maximizing Performance Data Development Model – a resource developed by the cohort participants to help states:
    1. “Diagnose” where they are as organizations in using performance data to demonstrate programmatic achievements, challenges, and stakeholder return-on-investment (ROI); and
    2. Determine next steps for making progress in using performance data to demonstrate achievements, challenges, and ROI, drawing from targeted resources and tools.

Those who register for this event will receive a copy of each cohort state’s action plan and the Maximizing Performance Data Development Model.


Shelia Lewis, Workforce Analyst, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration

Cynthia Forland, Senior Consultant, Maher & Maher

Rosalyce Broadous-Brown, Senior Analyst, Maher & Maher


Megan Lamb, Statistician, Division of Services for the Blind, Department of Human Service, Arkansas

Kristen Rowe, Systems Development Specialist, Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Virginia

Rachel Adams, Assistant Director, Department of Workforce Investment, Kentucky

Drew Griffis, Director of Performance & Business Intelligence, Department of Workforce Development, Indiana

Carrie Marsh, Performance Analyst, Department of Employment and Economic Development, Minnesota